English Unit Review

The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.

  1. Describe the elements of narrative structure including setting, character development, plot structure, theme, and conflict.

Pecha Kucha

The student will participate in and contribute to conversations, group discussions, and oral presentations.

  1. a) Communicate ideas and information orally in an organized and succinct manner.
  2. d) Use language and style appropriate to audience, topic, and purpose.
  3. e) Use a variety of strategies to listen actively.

  The student will identify and demonstrate the relationship between a speaker’s verbal and nonverbal messages.

  1. Use verbal communication skills, such as word choice, pitch, feeling, tone, and voice appropriate for the intended audience.
  2. Use nonverbal communication skills, such as eye contact, posture, and gestures to enhance verbal communication skills.

  The student will understand the elements of media literacy.      

  1. c) Describe how word choice and visual images convey a viewpoint.
  2. d) Compare and contrast the techniques in auditory, visual, and written media messages.
  3. e) Craft and publish audience-specific media messages.

 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.


While this standard is the end goal, the purpose of this week’s Grammar Rule is to insure that all students have the foundational skill of writing a complete sentence. We will begin using clauses and modifiers with next week’s rule.


The student will participate in and contribute to conversations, group discussions, and oral presentations.

  1. a) Communicate ideas and information orally in an organized and succinct manner.
  2. c) Make statements to communicate agreement or tactful disagreement with others’ ideas.

 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of nonfiction texts.

  1. Draw conclusions and make inferences on explicit and implied information.
  2. Differentiate between fact and opinion.
  3. Identify the main idea.
  4. Summarize text identifying supporting details.
  5. Organize and synthesize information for use in written formats.  

Compose a topic sentence or thesis statement 

Article Activity

The purpose of the Article of the week is for students to consistently practice and apply all SOLs that relate to nonfiction reading skills. Therefore, while all SOLs are addressed, they are explicitly taught elsewhere in the curriculum not through the AOW.)

Because of Winn Dixie

The student will design and build a containing structure that will hold a 3×5 index card.


The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

The student will design and create a device that floats to save Edward when he falls into the ocean from the ship.


Mercy Watson to the Rescue

The student will design and create a nightlight with a working light in a small group which will help Mercy fall asleep and not break her owner’s bed using the design brief for direction and guidance.


Create a Bobble Head

The student will design and create a bobble head in a small group which will represent Skippyjon Jones’ foe using the design brief for direction and guidance.


Mini/Small Group Lesson on Cause and Effect

The students will identify the cause and effect in a given text.

Materials:  Cubes/Dice (purchased through Oriental Trading) with clear pockets, Cause and Effect squares for pockets (attached)