Food Chains Vocabulary

The student will investigate and understand relationships among organisms in aquatic and terrestrial food chains.

  1. a) producer, consumer, decomposer

b) herbivore, carnivore, omnivore

Exploring the Environment

Students will complete a lab on the environments within and without the school and the biology that inhabits them.


Heating Earth’s Surface

The student will develop hypotheses about how quickly sand and water heat and cool, measure the temperature of sand and water while they are heating and cooling, create a data table to record their measurements, and draw conclusions about their findings.

Watershed System

I can investigate the Chesapeake Bay Watershed major tributaries.

Watershed Systems

I can investigate how the local community can affect the greater Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Measurement Science Inquiry (Intro Unit)

The students will determine if how the amount of soap in a bubble will effect the time a bubble will last.

The students will be active, productive members of a collaborative group.


I can investigate the key characteristics of the planets in the solar system. And understand the relative size and distance between planets.


Exploring the area around the school

The students will explore the area around the school – their local environment.  They will make a transect, write a description of the area, count living organisms, predict how this area looked 100 years ago and what it may look like 100 years from now.  They will examine the structure of the building.  They will predict how our schoolyard can affect the ecosystem in our area.  They will discuss how our school practices may affect our local watershed.

Land Use

I can investigate how land use can affect the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Surface Tension

The students will demonstrate surface tension in water.  They will see how surface tension works and how it can be broken.  They will see what kinds of objects will “float” on water.