Density Measurement (Intro Unit)

The students will determine of what substance BB’s are composed.

The students will determine the density of BB’s.

The students will compare densities of various metals.

The students will be active, productive members of a collaborative group.

Density Measurement (Intro Unit)

The students will determine if objects will float or sink by comparing the mass to volume ratio.

The students will be active, productive members of a collaborative group.

Wind Energy

The students will learn the origin of wind, illustrate land and sea breeze diagrams, and will learn that wind can do work by building a sample windmill to see how many paperclips it can raise. Students will take a wind survey to see their current knowledge about the growth of wind as an alternative energy source.

Science Inquiry: Simple Machines (Intro Unit)

The students will design, test and improve a catapult to throw a marshmallow for distance and accuracy.

The students will be active, productive members of a collaborative group.



I can understand potential and kinetic energy.

Solar Energy

The students will work in groups and build three different solar cookers and find the most efficient one.

Heating Earth’s Surface

The student will develop hypotheses about how quickly sand and water heat and cool, measure the temperature of sand and water while they are heating and cooling, create a data table to record their measurements, and draw conclusions about their findings.


Find the mass and volume of substances and calculate and compare their densities.

Demonstrating Acceleration with a Lego Robot Car

After this activity, you will be able to differentiate between speed and velocity. You will understand that acceleration is a change in velocity.


Understand: the size of a crater is affected by variables such as mass and distance

Know:  The more mass of an object the greater the size of the crater and the farther the distance of the projectile, the larger the crater.

Do: Groups will be divided between doing two experiments and then come back together to report their findings.