Favorite Pizza Toppings Graph

This lesson will take students through the steps of collecting data, organizing data, and displaying the data in a graph. This lesson would follow a lesson on data collection (ex. tally charts), parts of a bar graph, and the rules for creating a graph.

Factor Racing

Students will work on identifying factors for given numbers.


Understand: the size of a crater is affected by variables such as mass and distance

Know:  The more mass of an object the greater the size of the crater and the farther the distance of the projectile, the larger the crater.

Do: Groups will be divided between doing two experiments and then come back together to report their findings.

Physical Education: Group Work

  1. I can work cooperatively in a small team to accomplish a task.

**I can work cooperatively in a small team by using an arm extender (dynaband or scarf) and hold on the parachute with both hands.

  1.  I can work with a small group to score 21 points by the time each player on my team has 3 turns.

**I can throw a small nerf ball into a Hula Hoop at the 1 point value per try or a 3 point value per basket.

  1.  I can demonstrate pace and speed using a gallop, skip, and run.

**I will walk or gallop at a slow and fast pace depending on what my teacher asks me to complete.

Lesson Notes/materials:

Cooperative learning activities Unit (November) for Gen. Ed. 4th grade

Equipment:  16 cones,  8 green, yellow and red polyspots, 8 footballs, 8 small nerf footballs, 8 parachutes, 8 frogs and chickens, “Playing Catch” music,  Tabata exercises (visual cards posted on the front wall).  Visual Cues of the animals, the football throw, and level changes for Tabata.


Factors and Multiples, and Fraction and Decimal Operations

The student will

  1. a) estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients of whole numbers;
  2. b) add, subtract, and multiply whole numbers;
  3. c) divide whole numbers, finding quotients with and without remainders; and
  4. d) solve single-step and multistep addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems with whole numbers.


Triangle Trivia

This lesson plan reflects an idea I picked up from Julie Slykhuis that I believe she said was from Dan Mulligan. It was called triangle trivia. I also wanted to use The Important Book and Julie’s ideas of having the students write about what was most important about themselves.

Virginia’s Regions

This is a 4th grade STEM activity for Social Studies. We study each of the 5 regions; the type of land, the products and industries in each region. Students will review/research a region and its’ products and industries.

Historical Figures in the Library

The teacher-librarian will read A Picture Book of Patrick Henry by David Adler. Students will create a historical figure to represent one of the historical individuals you have studied. Students will use 1 sheet of cardstock, yarn or string, scrap fabric, paper fasteners (brads), paint samples, markers, colored pencils, crayons, glue, recycled materials, glue, recycled materials, a paper doll pattern, a QR code, and popsicle sticks.


Bargaining in Oaxaca, Mexico

  • Familiarize students with bargaining practices in the marketplace in Oaxaca.
  • Be able to compare and contrast North American markets with Mexican markets.
  • Be able to sell and purchase items in the TL.
  • Be able to describe objects in the marketplace.


Back to School

The following activity will be used to allow students to share what they have experienced during the summer while away from their classmates.  Students will also use the ideas from the discussion as a journal writing prompt.