Structure of an Atom

The student will understand and model the parts and structure of atoms.

Materials Needed:
Modeling clay in three different colors, plastic knives, Google Doc handout, large bag of larger multicolored candy and a large bag of smaller candy, metric ruler, large round paper plates, atomic structure display chart or projection, Periodic Table of Elements.



Comparing Energy Sources

Plant Divisions/Groups

The student will identify the four major divisions of the plant division based on their major characteristics.

Materials Needed:
Samples of the four major divisions of the plant kingdom; microscope; prepared slides; pictures of plant groups; internet/computer accessability;

Investigating Modern Model of Atomic Structure

The student will create a model of an element identifying protons, neutrons, electrons. The student will also be able to identify the atomic number and mass of the atom.


The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of cells. Key concepts include a) cell structure and organelles; b) similarities and differences between plant and animal cells; c) development of cell theory; and d) cell division.

Related SOL LS.3 The student will investigate and understand that living things show patterns of cellular organization. Key concepts include b) patterns of cellular organization and their relationship to life processes in living things.

Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids

TSW classify samples as metals, nonmetals, or metalloids based on observations of physical properties

Materials Needed:
samples of iron, copper, aluminum, tin, iodine, boron, charcoal, wood, plastic, and glass 3 wires
Light bulb
Plastic bag
Safety goggles

Investigating states and forms of energy

Students will conduct an experiment in which they will calculate the kinetic energy and potential energy in a system.

Hydrologic Cycle

The student will investigate and understand how freshwater resources are influenced by geologic processes and the activities of humans. Key concepts include d) identification of sources of fresh water, including rivers, springs, and aquifers, with reference to the hydrologic cycle. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning and logic. Key concepts include c) observation and logic are essential for reaching a conclusion.

Materials Needed: Materials: Lamp, Water, Aluminum foil, Ice cubes, 2-liter plastic bottles, Scissors, sand, potting soil, tape, small plants (clover, grass seed, etc.)


Student will create a model of the water cycle within two 2 liter bottles

Investigating states and forms of energy

The student will investigate and understand forms of energy and how energy is transferred and transformed. Key concepts include a) potential and kinetic energy; and b) mechanical, chemical, electrical, thermal, radiant, and nuclear energy