Module 5: Setting and Understanding Expectations
Expectations for Confidentiality
PSTs have learned about the importance of confidentiality in their coursework; however, it is important for a Mentor CT to reiterate that all information regarding students in the classroom is confidential. Mentor CTs should review what access the PST will have to the students’ academic records. Some practicum experiences will allow PST different access to information about students, so it is very important that the Mentor CT review with the PST exactly the level of access that the PST will have in that setting.
“I always give some background information to help them understand the situation. I have them observe me and/or other teachers with my students first. I explain the how/why we are doing what we’re doing.” – B. Nelson, Mentor CT,
“I am very upfront with them about the things I’m doing to support the range of students and which students I’m targeting with various approaches. Try to give heads-up strategies for various situations I anticipate they may encounter. Sometimes before they see students for the first time I invite them to watch for specific things and try to identify which students require differentiation.” A. Clemens, Mentor CT,
“PSTs will need to read the IEPs/504s to fully understand what is needed and why certain approaches are done with specific students. I model how to support these students, but also ask if the PST has other ideas and suggestions based on their own personal experiences.” – K. Svarfvar, Mentor CT, Middle