Module 5: Setting and Understanding Expectations
Transitioning Roles
Expectations should clearly reflect what the Mentor CT is looking for in terms of PST performance in order to transition across roles. These criteria should be operationalized and articulated in the expectations as the timeline is developed and reviewed. These criteria for transition across roles should also form the basis of the performance feedback from the Mentor CT, as well as the reflections of the PST, in terms of self-monitoring progress towards meeting field experience learning goals.
When Mentor CTs scaffold PST skill development, then the PST is able to transition into an instructional role.
“I always… give them both “glow” and “grow” feedback… to give them plenty of opportunities to teach and work with students as well as co-teaching.”
“I ask them if they are comfortable trying things, especially at the beginning. I observe how they interact with students, how organized they are, their behavior management style, how they do in front of the classroom, etc.”
“I use a growth mindset with them just like I do the students. I observe them and see what they do well and build on that.”
Question for Reflection
You are a CT with a PST who is chomping at the bit to have more responsibility in the classroom, but you have concerns about their ability to plan in alignment with your instructional goals – how do you provide the support you think they need without undermining their confidence? And if you are that PST, how do you communicate with your CT that you want more responsibility?