Plant Divisions/Groups

The student will identify the four major divisions of the plant division based on their major characteristics.

Materials Needed:
Samples of the four major divisions of the plant kingdom; microscope; prepared slides; pictures of plant groups; internet/computer accessability;

Physical Education: Moving Forward

I can walk forward and softly touch the high five hand.

Lesson Notes/materials: 

2 chairs

5 ft. clothesline

4 noddlettes threaded thru the clothesline

Visual aids of forward movement

Laminated high five hand.

Physical Education: Group Soccer Activity

I can state two (2) soccer rules that are important to the safety of all players.

Lesson Notes/materials:

4 team lists

1 soccer ball

Team pinnies

White Board

Dry Erase

Exit tickets


(Video accessory if video is needed)

Physical Education: Line Dance

I can create and demonstrate a line dance(s) while working in a small group.

Lesson Notes/materials:

  1. iPod w/ selected playlist
  2. sound system
  3. iPad(s)

– applications: Coaches Eye, BAM Instant Replay

– websites: GoNoodle,

  1. laptop & charger
  2. heart rate monitors
  3. pedometers

7. GoPro camera

Physical Education: Skating

  • I can maintain balance on skates while avoiding objects.
  • I can avoid objects by going around them.

Lesson Notes/materials:

  • Materials/Equipment – Skate Assignment Sheets, Skates, Pad Sets, Helmets for each student, Cones.
  • Set Up:
  • 5 Lines of colored cones.
  • Cones spacing –
      • 5 ft. apart(Novice) 2 lines
      • 4 ft. apart(Intermediate) 2 lines
      • 3 ft. apart(advanced) 1 line


Physical Education: Body Composition

I can explain the relationship between energy in and energy out and how it affects my body composition.

  • 5h Explain energy balance and how it leads to a healthy body.

7.3d Analyze the relationships among physical activity, caloric intake, and body composition.

Solving Inequalities

  1. Earlier in the school year, students learned the inequality symbols and used them to compare fractions, decimals, percents, integers, etc. They have just finished a unit on equations.  The next natural step is to link these two ideas together and have them work with one-step inequalities, learning to solve them and graph their solutions. This is the second of two lessons that will address these topics.  This one will focus on solving inequalities.

Understanding Inequalities

  1. Earlier in the school year, students learned the inequality symbols and used them to compare fractions, decimals, percents, integers, etc. They have just finished a unit on equations.  The next natural step is to link these two ideas together and have them work with one-step inequalities, learning to solve them and graph their solutions. This is the first of 2 lessons that will address these topics.

Applications of Tax & Discount

  1. In the previous lesson, students have learned what discount and sales tax are, how to calculate them, and how to calculate the resulting sale price or resulting final price. Now they will review these skills, complete a more challenging non-routine problem, and begin working on a project to show what they have learned.

Calculating Tax & Discount

  1. Here they will learn to calculate sales tax and discount, to extend upon their knowledge of the percent proportion with consumer applications. Students should be fairly confident in working with the percent proportion by the time they get to this lesson.  It should also be a high interest lesson for them since many middle school students like to shop or go shopping with their parents.