Module 2: Welcoming Students into the School Community
What should I share with my PST and how?
What you should share with your PST can vary based on the practicum and level of PST’s experience. If your PST is in their very first classroom based experience and has no prior experience working with PK-12 students, the information you share may be surface level information about your classroom versus the specific needs of the students. However, if the practicum is the PST’s last experience prior to student teaching, they will need to have a more in depth level of understanding of the classroom and specific students (e.g. whole school and specific classroom procedures, accommodations, modifications, behavior plans, etc.). If it impacts how the PST will interact with the PK-12 student, then they should know.
When sharing information with your PST that is student specific, frame content in a positive manner, such as “This is what works best.” instead of “S/he can’t.”