Module 3: Characteristics of Practicum Students
How can mentor CTs foster the characteristics of a successful PST?
The primary purpose of early field experiences is to provide PSTs with various opportunities to become acquainted with the classroom and the many roles of the teacher. For some of the PSTs, this is their first time they are being asked to be a professional. Some will not know what that means and will need the mentor CT’s help in defining the behaviors and dispositions expected of a professional.
The Mentor CT creates opportunities that provide the PST with information and preparation leading to the ability to make informed decisions about classroom policies and procedures, curriculum matters, and students’ academic and social needs. This collaborative experience will allow PSTs to reflect upon their own strengths and weaknesses, making informed judgments about their own readiness for teaching.
Mouseover the following cards for more information.
Give assignments and responsibilities
Provide opportunities for PST to complete assignments and assume other duties/responsibilities as appropriate.
Vary instructional settings
Provide PST many opportunities to observe and work in a variety of instructional settings and techniques.
Guide and supervise
Guide and supervise instructional and non-instructional activities as appropriate.
Give Feedback
Provide candid feedback of PST performance and dispositions. Invite and include ideas from PST where appropriate.
Find time to talk with your PST, even if it’s just a few minutes.
Give them space
Carve out space in the room, if possible, for the PST that they know is their space.